Saturday, December 17, 2011

Governmental Institutions...Just Suck !

 Governmental Institutions...Just Suck !

   Since I was young , I used to be self-dependent. I used to do ordinary -and extraordinary- day life tasks on my own while a lot of my friends till a very recent moment need their moms and dads to do simple tasks for them. This rule was easily broken when I have to deal with governmental institutions face to face by myself.

          I guess if I spent my whole life trying to figure out how this wholly crap organization is working, I wouldn't be able to get a hang of it.  I can't imagine how they could stand this deadly bureaucracy. If you want to run an errand, you don't know who is the right person you should go to . Hell if you were lucky enough to know, don't be cheered up, as you should be prepared for "el 7alazona yama el el7alazona" trip. When you ask for what is supposed to be your "right", be polite, humble and humiliated if it takes to get your task done. I don't have to mention bribes or "wasta", god forbid. If a task to be finished in hours, it wouldn't harm if it lasted for a couple of months. Well, I can get their point here , they want to teach us patience in its very detailed literal meaning ; and not any kind, Job's patience !

          Every organization is like a great wall and every employee is an essential brick with a defined role in this great wall. Whenever the employee forget this role, he will be nothing but a big useless brick. No one should ever lose track of the big picture , in case there was any ! It's not about removing the prime minister or relocating some minsters any more , this whole organization should be taken off from the roots and rebuild again from the beginning

          When we were young, they taught us to be honest, straight forward persons in order to move forward in life. They mention nothing about dealing with governmental institutions as an exception. After a real life time experience, apparently this only works in fancy world. On the contrary, what was supposed to be wrong and no-no-don't-ever-do-that became a must-do to get the task done. I am proud of the pure principles I learnt before and I don't want to lose them, I am just afraid one day I will have to.

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