Friday, April 22, 2011

حذارى من الكركم

         شوية عربى بأه .......امبارح كنت عاملة ماسك الكركم بزيت الزيتون , والكركم اجاركم الله , ما بييجى على شى الا وقام بالواجب وزيادة  , المهم اللى حصل انى وانا بحطه على وشى نقطة منه وقعت على البلوزة بتاعه بيجامتى الجديدة , انا كان هيجرالى حاجة بجد لانى بحب البيجامة دى جدااااا ,  بس قلت دعاء المصيبة اللى هو "الحمد لله ,اللهم اجرنى فى مصيبتى هذه واخلفنى خيرا منها " وقلت هاغسلها حالا عشان البقعة تروح . المهم جربت معاها احسن ( واردأ) مساحيق الغسيل ...انها تروح ولا تتعتع من مكانها ! ابداااا .  كنت هاعيط بجد عملت معاها كل حاجة  ودى ثابتة على موقفها , قلت امرى لله باه ونشرتها زى ما هى وخلاص وبعدين بعد ما  نشفت وانا بشيلها من على الحبل  

guess what !

 البقعة اختفت !!! فعلا مالهاش ولا اثر مع انى لما جيت نشرتها كانت موجودة زى ماهى , ودى يأكدلنا قول الاخ الفاضل اللى قال "مع 
تايد للغسيل مفيش مستحيييييييييييل " ترررم 

نتعلم ايه باه من كلام ستات البيوت الحامض ده ,هى حاجة جت فى دماغى اول لما شفت الحكاية دى , انه انا المفروض اعمل كل اللى عليا  فى اى حاجة نويت اعملها بغض النظر عن النتايج . يعنى لو قررت امشى فى طريق ونويت عليه , ابدا اعمل كل اللى عليا فى  حدود اللى اعرفه والنتيجة بعد كده تبقى بتاعة ربنا , ربنا هيحاسبنى على اللى فى ايدى وبس , ده غير انى هاكون مستريحة لان شعور  ان الواحد عمل اللى عليه وبذل اقصى مجهوده لا يقدر بثمن  

  انا عارفه ان الموقف مش مستاهل كللل الكلام الكبير ده , بس دى كانت وجهة نظرى لما حصل  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How things go ...

           I've resigned from my job with my own free will. That's because it wasn't the job the I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Despite of the good salary, the greatest boss ever, the best team and the amazing people I met there, I really don't want to work there any more .

          I have no idea what EXACTLY I do want but I will try to figure out. That's why I resigned from work, to try to think deeply; what is it that I want to do? how will I do it ? All I know is that I am interested in Math and English. I have no freakin  idea what am I gonna do with them but I will just try to develop them as much as I can.  

         I am also interested in healthy life style which include healthy eating, sports, walking ...everything. So, I am now tryinn in those three areas but hey, a lot of the times I drop out my plans and put them aside because I feel deep inside that ALL what I am tryinn to make is of no use at all and that I should pursue my life just like any other ordinary person on earth. After all ,who I am ya3ny wla who am I goinn to be !!

         No,I believe that Allah granted me with blessings that a lot of people don't have. I have a lot of potential  that I am gonna commit a suicide if I didnn bring it out. I just give up so quickly and I hate that. To get to what I want isn't something easy , for it needs Strong Will, Persistence and most of all, it needs HOPE.

        I want to get me out of the box um livin in. I want to expose myself to fresh air in order to be able to breathe. Again, I have no idea how to do it or how to reach to what I want but I know that I have to work with ALL the things I know and do my very best and struggle as much as I can, and for sure -sooner or later- I will get there.